Sunday, November 20, 2005

Shake 'Em Off....

Funny thing is that regardless of what you do someone is always there to hold you back, tell you that you're not good enough and ridiculing every move that you make. Funny thing is you can be doing your best be peaked at your full potential, but that is not good enough for the haters. All I can say is that a song comes to mind and it goes: "they smile in your face, while all the time they want to take your place.....Backstabbers." Yo, if this blog is rude or you have nothing better to do but ridicule it or think that you know someone so you judge writtings hey it's your world, I'm just a squirel.. It's all good this page is for anyone to read, post a comment but tread softly cause the fingers you point three are pointing back at you. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself is what you are doing yesterday, today or tomorrow where you thought you would be? Probably not, funny thing is your life didn't amount to ..... well you can figure that one out, so stop trying to drag others down. Yo, on another note I would like to tell my friends (my true friends) that I got nothin' but love for ya... The few of you that are close to me and really do know me keep your heads up and remember to..... Shake 'Em Off...... Just remember that Haters are all around us to just shake 'em off and keep doing you I am here for my friends, family and just so you know I am here.... Hate on haters, we going to do us....