Saturday, March 05, 2005

Let go....

Sometimes life deals you a hand that is not the greatest, but you have to learn how to let go. I have so many things that I have held on to for the longest and now just recently I am learning to let go. Keeping all that extra luggage is not all that healthy and you really can't progress. I am letting go, of all the painful memories but learn from them instead of carring them with me, letting go of all the wrongful doings that have been bestowed upon me by friends, family and just people in general, letting go of my mistakes and flaws that I criticise myself for everyday. That is all I have to do is let go and remember who I am. Be yourself and learn from past mishaps and all the other things that have happened be it good or bad. Remember to move forward you must remember your past but learn how to let it go....... I am comfortable with the person I am with and find it so much easier now being with him to let go of the past, all the pain that I have stored.. Thank you, you are there by e-mail, phone, you are just there and that is what I need. That's all I ask, so because of that I have learned to move on. Ask yourself this one question can you let go, start living for today and the future without all the extra luggage and pain? It is hard but to all of you that read this I challenge you to leave the past where it is, behind us, take from it what you may, but the rest has to be left behind. Can you.....


Thursday, March 03, 2005


You are now reading the inspirations of J. Boogie...This is love 101 sit back and learn a few things about LOVE. For real for real, love is funny, it can make you feel happy, light on your feet, it almost makes you feel like you are the greatest thing on Earth. But love has flaws, it can make you crazy, just out right off the chain, where you would do things a normal sane person to say the least would not do. I think that love is great if you find that one that is not going to play with your emotions but never hesitate to love someone you never know. Remember that you are the one that holds the key. If you should chose to let someone in or they just snuck in and you ended up in love. The true test of faith is if your love and their love is genuine or if it is just mearly puppy love, infatuation, a crush you know the deal. It is hard to tell, and love is the hardest four letter word to give an actual meaning or definition to. My definition is just doing things for the one you love, spending time together, can't sleep without them, constantly on your mind, you miss them before you even say goodbye, making sacrifices. You know going that extra mile to please them and if they love you it will not go unoticed and all your hard work and efforts will be returned. Love to me is sticking through the hard and good times, love is not easy it is a job all in itself you have to work hard at it to achieve it and once you have it, maintenance is the key. Don't think because you are in love and they love you that it will always be there, there's a thin line between love and hate and you need to decifer between the two. Love is all too often abused, people take for granted what they have or sometimes they use it to gain the advantage. Overall, love is a powerful thing and when used right you will be happy. Make sure that you are not the one abusing love for your advantage... Ask yourself this have you ever told someone that you loved them but you didn't, you just said it to make them happy because you thought that is what they wanted to hear or to get something from them? I can say honestly, NO, I have not and will not.... You should never be really scared of love it is a good thing no matter how many times you fail just keep loving someone will love you back. Don't get lost along the way to finding TRUE.....


Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Funny how your mind and heart plays tricks on you... Sometimes you wonder why you let yourself be vulnerable and let someone get in and know you????? I've asked myself this question recently.. I don't know the answer yes I do, I care about everyone I want to be cared for as well.. Never thought that would be, since I always come across tough the outer shell is just what it is a crust that is there to protect me. It doesn't seem to work to well though... I look at my life and wonder why God chose me to get all the bad things, but I know it is because I am strong I am here to take on the world's pain and try to make things better for everyone else. Hoping no other female will ever have to put on my shoes... I hope that the people that I have come in contact with through my life so far have taken something good from me. I am glad to have a pretty good family and some great friends I don't know what I would do without them sometimes. I am only one person I try to do so much and if I don't I sometimes feel as if I have failed some of you. I never meant it to be that way I try to help everyone. I am glad that I can open up to people I am just tired of being the unloved one. Just had to get something off my chest and this is the best way. Letting your emotions get involved is good you live and you learn, don't ever let someone change you to where you are always on the defense if anyone should be like that, it should be me if anyone that is catious, I have been through so much but yet I have changed very little any other person that ever walked half the distance I have would be crazy, untrusting, and probably dead by now. Strong will is the key. Emotional is not weakness it is a strength and it means that you are not scared of who you are or what you have become.