Wednesday, December 30, 2009


With the close of another year I regret to say I am not looking forward to starting a new one. With the close of each year we have to admit what we did not get done, what we want to change in hopes that we actually stick to the plan and accomplish them in the new year. With the coming of a new year we also have to realize that we are getting older and our demise is that much closer.

Funny 2009 has taught me to be a little rough around the edges. I have shunned the world and cut off my associates from the military except for one or two I do not talk to anyone. So what does that tell you about my accomplishments for the outstanding year of 2009? Not too much, huh.....

Well, I am here to declare that I really don't care if I am at the top or bottom of life at this very moment I am confused, alone and not dealing with some things all that well. People lie, cheat and maliciously hurt people for no good reason. If you knew better than you are a negligent friend and not someone I would like in my life... Oh yeah I don't talk to you anymore.

Wow, 2009, really? School is the one good thing I can say actually came out of all of this. I have come to the realization that nothing in the end really matters anymore. Do for yourself because in reality no one else will do for you. If you find your soulmate then you found yourself and that is the missing link not apes or monkeys or god or any of the other crap that people want us to believe. Accomplish what you are wanting in life the thing that fulfills that empty void.

Money is what makes most happy. If this is what drives you then go out and get it. If not then chose a simpler less complex way of living. 2010 should be your stepping stone to new horizons.

To the non-educated, less than eloquent and far from couth pieces of humanity you should really self-analyze before passing judgement. Step outside your dirty box and realize you have been hating the things in people around that are the very essence of what you are.