Thursday, July 05, 2007


Can you make someone love you?
Is it love when you know that you found the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Or is just the beginning of something that will hopefully grow into full blown love?
Do we know when love is there or do we just hope that the love we give is returned?
Does it matter what they look like to everyone else or will what you thought was love be abandoned due to peer pressure?
If you really are in love do your eyes stray more than just for a glance?
Does love change your entire outlook on life?
When you are with the one you love do you think about when they will leave or do you wish the moment never ends?
Do you have what it takes to be in love and make it work? (that means good, bad, low and high times)
If you are away from each other only for a small increment of time are you missing them and constantly thinking of them?
Do you ever think that maybe this is not the right one?

These are all questions at some point in time you may ask your self or think of when you are just trying to figure out what it is you have or want. No one said love was easy and you need to realize that it doesn't hold everything together you and the person you are with are the glue and that means you have to work together to stick together. Love is like a house it is built on a foundation but at times it needs small repairs sometimes major renovations. The key I have found is small simple things mean a lot well at least to me they do... The things I do is make time for just me and the person I am with which means I have cooked dinner and paired it with some nice wine and a simple dessert. Then we watch a movie or play a board game or perhaps I pack a picnic and we go to the park or down to a place that is special for the both of us. You can also do things more romantic to jazz it up a bit like flowers and chocolates sent to the job, or a day get away to somewhere you have planned out and you have reservations at a nice Suite and Restaurant. So tell me what you think about this subject and if you have come up with some good ideas to keep it fresh in the arena of....


Monday, July 02, 2007

Party Like a Rockstar.....

All right I guess everyone wants to do this at some point in their lives... Right? So when is the right time...? You tell me they say your too young, too old and I think its time you should grow up... WTF Please tell me the medium and when I can "party like a rockstar"?

Actually, I was always the nerdy one of all my friends I am more of the home body type but hey sometimes I want to go out and just never do it.... PUNK that is the first word that comes to mind, right? So tell me about some of your crazy times when you just didn't give a &%$#!!!! How did it end up?

Let's see who has the best experience and really did....