Saturday, July 30, 2005

Half Step....

What I have been around and the experiences I have had through out my lifetime, have made me realize that if I half step then my life is worthless and I am done. You half step in the hood you get your life took. You half step in the military you loose your value, respect, dignity, possibly rank, money or more. Keep doing it up out there fam and peeps that have done it up for me and kept me on top of my game. That made me keep the beat of my drum real and make sure to correct myself if I was half steppin'. There are so many people out there that never really understand their real reason to be here, well I might not be here to give you the answers but for real I can help you and give you the advice I know from my experiences and that is all it is.

Grains of salt are all around us but real friends are here until the end, they don't care about your imperfections they accept you for you and if you half step they help you catch up. I have some good friends that hold me down and I got them in the same respect. If you too good to be around other people and listen to realism and true facts then you can move on, but don't get caught half steppin' around me because I will take your damn cookies. That is a cliche' huh and can you figure it out? Nope, probably not but I am here to tell you I am glad I was born in the life that I was without a silver, gold or even bronze spoon in my mouth, plastic worked fine for me.

I have figured this much, if you were born with it all you half step and end up having some damn issues in life and I see it everyday not being competent enough to make decisions, no street savvy and no real life experiences. Then have the ignorance to come out and say that they have some from the military. Not on duty, yo ma or pa keep it gully and remember that you have nothing on most and can learn something from everyone. Just remember that life throws us challenges to see if we will give up and.....


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

On TOP......

My game, yes I can say that I am on top of my game. Do you know what it means to be "on top"? I don't think that most people view this as I do but yo, that's why this is my blog and you are reading it, why? Hmmmm, that is one question you need to ask yourself why you keep coming back to read the words of this page.... Is it because I am on top of my game?

I must be up on something because I write and it is so easy to be me and it is so hard for so many to be just what they are, YOU. Being yourself means that you are on top of your game, is this a hard task at hand? Yes, to some it is, but you need not fear for there are always strong support systems in place to help you succeed at being the best you can. I know that I will be here for anyone one of my friends, family, or just associates. Remember that you are never alone out there sometimes you may feel that you are or run into bad luck more often than never but you can still come out on top.

I may be a little rough around the edges sometimes, say things that I don't always mean but everyone is like that from time to time. Life deals you hands that are unexpected it is how you come out of the situation, which determines whether you are staying on top of your game or not. Things are not all pretty and peachy all the time I know I never really had all the good things in life, glad that I have been able to have all the grimy situations dealt to me it kept me on top of my game. I will always keep improving my imperfections and trying to make the best of any situation in which I find myself. This helps me keep my game up and remain...

ON TOP......

I write for myself and for anyone who wants to read it. This is for my friends and fam and anyone else, this is my knowledge to you. That is why my page is called My View 2 You.... DAMN, some people need to step up and gain some self respect remember that all people have their own perceptions and this is your reality we may not always see eye to eye but work with it. Make small sacrifices and don't ridicule what others do, just do you! Just another way that you can keep your game, ON TOP....

Monday, July 25, 2005


Damn, I already wrote one called "Clarify" and if you really knew me then you wouldn't leave comments that talk out of your fourth point of contact. Funny how people are quick to make a judgment like I said before, prior to knowing someone. I have nothing to prove to anyone and if you really know me than you would know that I am never afraid to be up front and blunt with the people around me. I don't bite my tongue for anyone and I will not start I will always be real and this is funny to me that whoever you are was not real enough to put their name on their comment...???? If I think it is who I think, than here is to you, keep writing other peoples words and feel good about not being real, but be hesitant about what and how you judge others. You are as fake as they come, might have a lil game play with the words but other than that your legs to damn weak to support your total bull sh*@. If I knew for sure who you were or if you e-mail me because everyone knows my e-mail; go ahead and grow some let me know who you are and I will let you know the real me.... Are you scared or maybe now I flipped the script on you and made you think about going and looking in your own mirror???? I know that you read that one, how about this, I am done no more to say but keep it real and look at yourself prior to judging.

How is it plain and simple in black and white the words we read are all so easily misinterpreted? It might be due to blindness, or shear hate for someone or something people envy what they want to be like and hate what that don't know or don't understand. Hate is nothing more than a cover up for fear. I will leave you with my quote, "Hate is a form of miseducation, to accept this is a form of ignorance, strive for excellence." (me)

So in closing you can hate me now, but I won't stop now, NEVER!!!! So try to get right and remember that this is all a fabrication of your mind and it is one big......