Friday, August 18, 2006

DA Mets....

Love or hate 'em? They are back haven't had much success since their 1986 Championship.. But, hold up they are back. Don't think this is just a one season thing my Mets are back and strong we have the out field on lock and the pitching staff looks strong as well. Wait the in field is on point as well so all and all we look very promising. Hopefully when football season comes around my teams look as good (Jets and Giants, who else...? LOL).

Pedro is going thru his little hit and miss days but once he comes out of this slump damn watch out do I hear a pennant and possibly another World Series Championship?? Bobby A is doing aight so far in the Mets line up so that was a good trade. I know that I don't write on sports usually but hey I have been doing a lot of different things lately and this is one thing I love.

I have met the greatest person in the world they support me thru everything just want to say thanks I know I tell you I love you all the time but it's not even enough. Since we started dating the Mets came out of their slump of 20 years and that's wassup. :) All I can say is.....


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gut Instinct....

Yo, why I knew that today was a shitty day? I woke up this morning and for some reason kept telling myself it's all right everything will be good just got to get up and do what you got to do. Nope, should have listened to my first intuition that was telling me not to go to my second interview cause something just didn't feel right.

So, as you can tell I am writhing this cause something grimy happened all I can say is WTF... This shit always happens when I have one of those feelings. DAMN, by now I should have learned my lesson you know. Nope trying to get whatever job is given to me at the moment and trying to do big thangs is not working out right now. I got into a car accident a block and a half from the house... Let me tell you the next time I get that feeling I am keeping my ass at the house there is a reason for the gut wrenching feeling so next time just listen to your....


I know I will. My car is fucked, fucked, fucked, can I say it again. FUCKED! Had to get that out of my system now all I can do is wait for it to get fixed and hopefully it is quick.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Holdin' it Down....

Recently I did something totally out of character for myself.... I moved to NY to attend the Art Institute without having a job in place or anything like that. To tell you the truth I am torn up right now, my gut is telling me everything will be all right but my brain is telling me to panic. All I can do right now is attempt to keep a good head on my shoulders and see what comes of it.

I am lucky enough to have the support of loved ones and a great person that is so supportive of everything I do. I love you and I just hope that I am as good as everyone thinks I am. Without this support I would have ran back to the military a few months ago. Which to tell the truth far from where I want to be at the current time in my life.

This is a short blog today but it is what it is... Just letting people know I got someone to hold down and I appreciate them......

Holdin' it Down.