Compare all of the wars in the past this is due to disappointment or disagreeing with the system or religion that is in tact. How do we change this repetitious cycle that seems to have no end just a circle with no way out? Are our children doomed to live in a world with such hostilities and hate crimes due to our actions presently? Funny that racism is still here but the reason it is because we teach each other this remember that hate is learned, also it comes from the fear of the unknown. If we do not know something we tend not to want to know or roll with the stereotypes instead of experiencing first hand. Hate or racism is not only color or culture it is sexual preference, gender, and religious preference. It is time for us as the youth and future of the country to learn to disregard all of the above and teach the right way to see each other. No one is born the same and that is what makes life so intriguing we learn everyday so teach me what you have learned from this.
Can you take this to the next level and.....