Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Say it Isn't So....

The world seems to be in turmoil right now... What's really going on? I watch the news and fear for my daughter's future to see that the world is turning into chaos either by nature or by peoples beliefs being a conflict with one another. If you look at our past it is crazy that all wars in some way had to do with religion and now they are still that way. When will we as Americans realize to keep our noses out of everyone else's plate and just take care of home? It is sad when you walk down the streets and see all these homeless people and majority of them are Vets, we can serve our country in a time of crisis but come home and amount to nothing. Is that what Americans do is consider Vets worthless? Ignorance is all around us everyday you hear someone say they hate the military and everything that it stands for and they spit on troops or protest against them. What they don't realize is that they have no choice but to do what the commander in chief has told them to do. Soldiers might not like it, but it's a way of life and when you sign and raise that right hand you swear to protect our rights against all foreign and domestic. So the next time you see a vet on the side of the street that is homeless thank him or her I am not telling you to pay them but remember that they made the ultimate sacrifice for out country. I just hope that my daughter never has to see the world turn to chaos due to poor or greedy leadership and that our troops don't suffer anymore than they already have. The family's and loved ones left behind have my utmost respect. So think of this and if you see something that looks wrong think or say out loud.....

Say it Isn't So......

Dedicated to my friends, family and fellow members of the Armed Forces and anyone this touches. Keep doing it BIG. Holla. ONE

Monday, November 14, 2005

Big Moves

In life we all make decisions that we are not to sure about but we do it because we get bored and we are unhappy with our current situation. I know that I have one of the best friends in the world the funny thing is that I never thought that I would get close to a friend again the way that best friends do. I lost my best friend that I grew up with a couple weeks prior to Kiyara being born, he was shot at close range in the heart. That took a big toll on me and I just tried to close myself off from everyone. I get close but never too close to my friends but recently I became close and made a best friend that I am glad helped me realize that everyone needs someone to talk to. The funny thing is now that I am making moves I am happy and I know now that the Army is not a safe haven nor a shoulder to lean on in unstable situations. It is something that works you and lets you know that you are expandable so there should be no issue letting go since they throw us out the door with a swift kick and say good luck. So I ask you this, working for a company as impersonal as the military is do you think that I would take a look back over my shoulder, stutter step or even hesitate to think for an instance that I messed up and need to go back. NOT ON DUTY.... It is greener on the other side and I am here for you regardless of anything that happens remember that the ones that show you they really care and are genuine to you will show that they mean what they say. Hope that one day eveyone can make do it big and have friends that support you through all the good and bad times. It is hard to go out and just make....

Big Moves.

G, thank you for all you have done for me and making me realize that what my number one is. Thank you again ma and keep doing you and know that I am always here for you my fam is my heart and you are my fam. ONE LOVE ma... You know how soft I am, I love you ma and so does Bookie.