Wednesday, May 16, 2007


How can it be that I have found the one that I consider perfect?
Are you serious, do I really deserve it?
This can't be the one sitting here next to me caressing my hand.
If I don't get a hold of my self and get both feet back on dry land
I don't know if I will sink or float away.
This high is great and I know that if I ask you now the answer is YES.
If I don't will I maintain this great feeling of euphoria?
Can this be the one?
Your touch sends chills up my spine and goosebumps down to my toes...
This has never happened to me why did it take so long for me to open up?
Is it due to looking at the world with a half empty cup?
No I doubt that I always thought of it as half full...
So what could it be?
Are you here as a game or for a lifetime of love?
I know that I will hold no one higher and love no one as much as I do you.
You compliment me and make me look at things in a new light.
Regardless of everything you have stood by and I appreciate that.
Could it be that I have found something worth fighting for in this crazy world?
I think I have and I know now what it is to have......


Mother's Day

What a perfect day I had this Mother's Day....

This would not be possible if not for you and for that I thank you. Every other Mother's Day has been just another day, but now you have shown me that hey you deserve this. I hope that all the mother's out there had a great holiday and they spent it with family and loved ones. This is a day to say thanks for every little detail that our mother's did to ensure that we had a good life no matter how bad off we were.

Mother's make the world what it is and if it were not for them we would not be here... Thank you mom and all the other wonderful ladies out there that do what they need to and handle the responsibility of raising your child correctly. Keep doing what you have always done.

This is one of many....

Mother's Days.......

Sunday, May 13, 2007


What's wrong with me? I ask myself this when I have something great and push it away because I don't think I deserve it or I may be messing their life up and don't want that to happen. It is never my intention to hurt anyone and I try to communicate openly so that what we have doesn't end or feel one sided. But it seems like I don't know how to really tell you what I want so that makes it look like I'm indecisive. Funny thing I really do know what I want is attainable right at this instant? Possibly.

Seems like I served in the US Military for 8.5 years for nothing and that now that I am out to accomplish my goal in life it keeps being pushed back. One reason or another I can't seem to just stay on top of my game and get this ball rolling in the right direction. Money, time and circumstances all play a role in this. DAMN......

So I am at a crossroad now do I give up on the one thing I want to succeed in life? Do I sustain the greatest thing I have in my life and how do I choose with my jobs I had a decent paying job and I gave it up for another job less pay better hours and environment..... Do I go back to the old job and get stuck? My poor neglected lil bookie, just another issue to add to the puzzle and all the other issues I try to keep bottled in now seem to take a toll on me. Was my decision correct when I got out of the military? What type of toll is this distance taking on my bookie? I'm I stressing for no reason? Is this destroying the great relationship I do have?

I understand no one can answer these questions for me but it is never hurts to hear a suggestion. I know that you are here for me but I feel alone maybe some of the things I have seen and been through are starting to affect me....? I apologize now for any short comings I have brought to the relationship...... Please forgive me and if you can't I understand.

This is me just being true, in other words....