Friday, February 25, 2005

Things in The Game Done Changed

So much has changed since I have moved away from home. Sometimes when I go home or go visit old friends I find that we don't have anything to talk about anymore but the past or we just don't have any common intrests anymore. I find myself wondering sometimes where is my place in the world? Why does everything change and seems like I haven't? But not knowing we all change what used to be the common ground between you and your friends or family is now something they might still like or you and the other does not but this is not necessarily a bad thing. We mature and turn into the people we are for a reason don't lose your friendship bonds because you think that the past is the past and that is all you have in common now... Apply yourself to find new common grounds and keep all your friends. People are funny on the behaviorial aspect of life they seem to give up on things that give them a challenge... If you are a friend then a friend you will remain I keep my word. To me word is bond and I live and die by my word... Keep all those you hold as friends, keep in touch, via e-mail, letters, IM, phone andything you know communicate. Hope that this means something to some of you others was it worth reading???? Only you can answer that. But to me all things change for a reason and it is not always good, but dig in and don't give up.


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Life's challenges

What ever your belief may be we are all put through trails and tribulations. My life has changed drastically in the last week. My Aunt who to say the least is like a mother to me is diagnosed with a cancer that kills (no cure), my sister has a stoppage in her heart, my step father had his cancer come back, my grandfather is diagnosed with Parkinson disease... To say the least why me???? That is what we ask ourselves when something goes wrong... But this is nothing new to my family, my Uncle had cancer and beat it, my grandmother, my other aunt all on my mothers side of the family and they all made it. My aunt that has it now is also on my mothers side of the family... Damn, my grandfather died in April last year from cancer on my pops side. Just seems like everyone in my family is getting bad news, I can't do anything about it. No, I can do something about it I can support and be there strength when they think that all hope is gone.... Everything I write on here is from the heart and is the truth no need to lie, no need to impress, I do this to do it. Hoping that someone might take something from it. I am very friend and family oriented and will give my all to make them happy. I just wish that I could take all their sickness and give it to myself... Just wish that it was that easy to say the least. If you have the time pray for the ones you love and I hope that none of you have to go through the things I have had to endure in my short lived life, at least not all at once like this.... I wish to give you my strength, but at the same time take my soft heartedness with you. It is all right to cry, it is all right to let people in and share your life with them. At that, I hope that you understand that life will always give you a challenge it just depends on how you handle it on how you will come out at the end.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


If you look at the world you will find the driven and to say the least, lazy. The thing is the ones that are so much more driven, is a man that has nothing and never did, but at the same time take another man that has nothing but at one time had everything. The man that never had always tries to make him or herself better he is driven with life's ambitions, on the other hand the man who once before had everything is a past dweller...... If you have always been the one working toward a goal to better yourself and don't accept defeat but always look for a new route when coming to a dead end, then you are driven. If you always say well there is always tomorrow, I can wait, I used to have this, I used to do this..... Then you are definitely a past dweller. Love what you have become and always look for the future you can always better yourself, never settle for second best if that is not what you want. If you are a friend of mine, I will always support you in your ambitions and make sure you never sell yourself short. A good support channel is what people need and human nature is to always be competitive and beat out even your closest friends, I am here to tell you, I don't want your spot but would rather you have it and I will chose another road to accomplish my goals. I can honestly say that I can't stop, won't stop until I achieve my goals in life..... Tomorrow may never come, so you must "Carpe Diem" (seize the day). Take with it what you may but know that there is always someone out there that wants to be where you are at......

When all hope is gone

When all hope is gone. I will be there. Don't worry I won't let you down like all the rest. Don't think that everyone is grimey. If you don't believe me, go ahead and put it to test. We all deserve an equal chance. Remember that you have my trust and love. Yet, I don't have yours. Skeptism is good at times but too much will push all the good out. I will be here for as long as you allow.

When all hope is gone. It really isn't, my shoulder is soft and my platform is solid. Lean on me, I don't break under preasure. If needs be put your burdens in a bag, I will carry them for you. Anything to make you happy. All I ask in return is your love.

But when all hope is gone for myself. There is no one there. Where are you? Funny you did it all for yourself........


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

In my mind set......

Funny how the mind is so eager to play tricks on you. We are always trying to get ahead and be on top to impress our peers, yet we are so impressionable and this becomes our weakness. Not staying focussed on our innocents that we once had as a child (your childhood dreams), they are no longer there and if they were would you be able to accomplish them? Ask yourself for the sake of ones being did you get lost on the way? I think that we all do in the fast paced life that we live of materialistic stereotypes and not wanting simplicity but wanting so much more..... What ever happened to happiness that was real and not bought? I have come to find the more we try to impress everyone else the more you actually lose yourself. We become somone else and just learn to accept that. I don't want to be this other person, I want to be myself and stand alone. Do I stand alone in this aspect of life? Sometimes but the funny thing is that I am here for everyone and would sooner be with you and your friend for who you were than who you have become. With that said dare you stand alone???????