Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Economy

So with all the talk of the recession and the stock market crash I can imagine how a lot of people are on pins and needles. The funny thing is if you are really paying attention to the news and analysts then you would notice no one really knows what's going on or they are just being undeceive asses.

Early this morning while turning to go down Wall St from Broadway I was stopped by a radio DJ to interview me on the issues with the stock market. Funny that he asked me questions that I really haven't given too much thought to. The government is trying its best to cushion the impact the recession would have if or when it happens.

First, we have Bush trying to leave on all right terms by giving us an extra refund check... hhhhmmmmm strange that sounds like something that someone had put in place for us before when we as the great USA had finally come out of deficit. I do believe that was Bill Clinton that did that.

Second, they just cut the interest rate on loans (mortgage and other) and credit cards by 3%. (Federal Reserve emergency cut.)

So what will number three be? I can't wait to see what it is........ Yeah that's what I say now but everything is seeming to go in a good way, but the tables can turn quickly we just need to be aware of the things going on around us.

Lets just hope that we start doing better and we go up instead of down. One of the major concerns for people unsure should be....