Thursday, April 07, 2005


I wish yesterday were here 2day
and he would be beside me, and as we lay
Close to one another; my head on his chest
Warm and naked I can feel his skin on mine
The very thought of him arouses me like no other
Anytime, anyplace I need him, I want him; yearning to love him
Why did he leave, then let me find him and
But for some reason a road block has kept me a far
I have my hammer and chisel ready and willing to work hard
at breaking down those barriers and layers of ice
That have caused this cold heart
A heart that once looked at me like I was a Queen
It was definitely love cuz my heart saw him as a King
A King who has been through hell and back
Not loved right and mistreated; this is a fact
Lord knows I understand cuz I've been through similar things
But all I know is I would give hear me; anything
To have yesterday back, days when I was your Queen and u were my King
Days when we spent endless hours lost in each others thoughts
lusting and loving each other, showing u how much I care
So if u ever hear this or find these words that I write
Know that those were the best times of my life
And no one could ever replace the truth...I LOVE YOU

This one was one that I really debated on putting on here since I know that people are going to read this, the funny thing is, I write stuff similar to this all the time I just don't like people to see this side of me... True feelings, raw emotions, uncensored, keep it real. Hope that you liked this one and tell me how you feel... Did I lose you just to find you again and lose you all over?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You went really hard in the paint this time. Seriously. Always got the gears in my head turning. Know what I mean. All I can say is that if it's meant to be, it'll be ma. In the mean time keep your head up and do what you do.
