Saturday, July 30, 2005

Half Step....

What I have been around and the experiences I have had through out my lifetime, have made me realize that if I half step then my life is worthless and I am done. You half step in the hood you get your life took. You half step in the military you loose your value, respect, dignity, possibly rank, money or more. Keep doing it up out there fam and peeps that have done it up for me and kept me on top of my game. That made me keep the beat of my drum real and make sure to correct myself if I was half steppin'. There are so many people out there that never really understand their real reason to be here, well I might not be here to give you the answers but for real I can help you and give you the advice I know from my experiences and that is all it is.

Grains of salt are all around us but real friends are here until the end, they don't care about your imperfections they accept you for you and if you half step they help you catch up. I have some good friends that hold me down and I got them in the same respect. If you too good to be around other people and listen to realism and true facts then you can move on, but don't get caught half steppin' around me because I will take your damn cookies. That is a cliche' huh and can you figure it out? Nope, probably not but I am here to tell you I am glad I was born in the life that I was without a silver, gold or even bronze spoon in my mouth, plastic worked fine for me.

I have figured this much, if you were born with it all you half step and end up having some damn issues in life and I see it everyday not being competent enough to make decisions, no street savvy and no real life experiences. Then have the ignorance to come out and say that they have some from the military. Not on duty, yo ma or pa keep it gully and remember that you have nothing on most and can learn something from everyone. Just remember that life throws us challenges to see if we will give up and.....


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