Sunday, September 24, 2006


What do we define confidence as?

Could it be simply having enough will to speak out in front of a crowd?

How about going and speaking to the one person you have always wanted to?

Getting enough courage to go against the grain?

Or do we define it as the lack of self confidence?

We usually tend to view or thrive on negativity rather than that of a positive influence. When you view someone walking down the street we are all very judgemental as to say the least. We look at what they are wearing, how they carry themselves, what they look like, how their hair is done, damn I could just keep going on and on. We already know that this is human nature to Americans, funny I go to other countries and they think we are ridiculous. Always trying to be better and status quo is the big thing in the US. I went to Europe and Asia people there are about making themselves better but they are less harsh and not so judgemental. So with all of these things against us as Americans or living in America it is easy to see why some people have self-esteem and self-confidence issues.

All I am saying is to worry less about what others think make yourself happy. I know that is a hard thing for me to say cause I usually do worry about what others think of me but I am learning to let that aspect of my life be less important. I am starting to find and build more on my self-


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