Sunday, December 10, 2006



This is the best time of the year, so they say!!! Actually to tell you the truth I love the snow and family time and the hectic running with the sparatic spending and the constant guessing on what would be the perfect gift for everyone. Then there is that special someone for the people that are lucky enough to have met their other half. The stress in making sure what you get is perfect, but also knowing that whatever you get them will be perfect because it comes from you.

I miss the snow, here in NY it is cold but it has yet to snow. I am literally "Dreaming of a White Christmas" like Bing Crosby. I love the food and that extra warmth you get when you come home or think of old family traditions that you still want to carry on in to your own family. I miss my family and I know that they will have a great time together this holiday season I just want them to know I love you and I am thinking of you. To all of my friends I hope that you are doing well and that you are with loved ones or good friends this holiday season. Here are some pics from the parade of lights in Montana where my daughter is with my mom at least they get snow:

This is my brother and his daughter(below left) and my sister and Kiyara and my niece(below right):

Here are some pics from the other night at Rockafeller Center:

Me and Maria at Rockafeller Center.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too J. I was hoping to spend Christmas with my family this year and New Years with you but my plans fell through. It's all good though. Things happen for a reason. I got people who are like family here so it won't be too bad. Keep your head up and that hair down :). Miss you.