Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Time Will Tell....

Why do you always hear the older generation tell you: "don't rush, with time you will know"? So they tell us this and we think a week is a long time. Then with age comes patience so they say. Well with time do I get any good things or does this fall in the category of only time will tell. Maybe I am just too anxious and I want to know right now. What if adults didn't tell us their mistakes and we just kept messing up the same way they did? Would this life we live turn into a repetitious mass of deja-vu? It seems that with time comes wisdom but I have yet to see some of my peers grow out of their immature state of mind. Why is it that one day someone tells you they love you and the very next tell you they hate you? Why do friends never stay in contact when they promise, oh you try but it seems that they out grow you or turn into someone else?

I don't want to loose any of my friends; past, present or future. Are you going to be there when I need a shoulder to lean on or lend an ear to listen or your shirt to dry my tears? I hope that you all know that I am here for you regardless and would never do anything but support all of you in all aspects of life. Some of you are closer to me than others and others well I would do the same for you as I would my own fam. I hope that everyone takes out of life more than what's expected, because to settle for what you have is to except defeat. Be happy for what you have but strive for what you want. Remember you are the one that makes the difference in not only your life but everyone around. When you find that one true love you will know and you will do everything to keep that person happy. You never know how long you have so make the best of what you do have because only......



lux said...

i'm your rock.

Anonymous said...

Gave me something to think on. I'm here whenever you need me.
