Thursday, July 12, 2007

Special Report 7/12/07

So our favorite President GW was on and cut off my Rachel Ray show with his ignorant press conference. To tell the truth I watched to hear what incompetent BS he had to spew today.. This is the best puppet on a string we have had in a long ASS time. How can an illiterate hillbilly, redneck, hick from texASS become our president? We really need to take back control of the government (by the people, for the people???) . HELLO.

Did anyone watch this hypocrite today? If so I hope that it pissed you off every time this jackass had a smile or shitty smirk on his face like the Iraq war is a god damn game (this is not risk the board game) take a risk and we may win for a cause that has yet to be clearly defined and changes every time he opens his mouth. If you served or still are serving specially during the duration of this peace keeping mission (Operation Iraqi Enduring Freedom)..... I know you are tired of funeral details for young men and women and handing that folded flag to a grieving spouse or parent. The worst is having them hold on to your hand look you in the eyes with tears and ask why and thank you at the same time. All you can do is give your condolences and proceed as the NCO of the detail with out showing any emotion, remember we may not show weakness remain professional at all times. I am tired of hearing my fellow brothers and sisters in arms being killed and there is no end or resolution in sight.... So we just keep hearing the deployments will be more frequent and longer tours???? Come on now enough is enough.

I am going back in to the service because I am a soldier and that is what I do best I miss it and I choose to be one that stands up and protects against enemies both foreign and domestic. But that does not mean put us in harms way for a reason that has changed how many times and now seems to really not have had a real cause?

This man that is supposed to represent America is standing up there and making us go round and round the mulberry bush waiting for the weasel to pop... Funny right but the weasel already popped it is BUSH..... We just don't have a congress with a back bone right now to say enough is enough and you have abused your power and we are going to impeach you....

Back to this mornings "Special Report" he talked around every question and at one point a reporter named Martha asked: "When Sept comes and we have still made no progress and military leaders are sending feedback that this is pointless what will you do then?" Bush answered by saying: "You are asking me to tell you what my state of mind will be at that time. I will have a press conference then and you may ask me then." COME THE FUCK ON... That is the most Horseshit answer I have ever heard.... Just had to get this out and tell all my fellow troops I miss and and love all of you keep your morale high, stay alert, stay alive and keep up the FIRE!!!!!!!

This is all due to a.....


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