Tuesday, August 14, 2007


For a moment I was enchanted by the glow of your face with the fading light of the sun setting in the distance gave you a radiance that is utterly indescribable. I knew the day we met everything would work out and be something that is so enchanting I do not know how to describe it other than that. You took my breath away with your soft touch and the way you whisper the words I love you in to my ear sounds like a gentle breeze passing in the leaves. Could I have been this fortunate to have a the opportunity to woo someone as enchanted as you?

Its funny now that I speak of it I love the little things you do for me and most of all I love the way you get frustrated over the littlest things. So you have captured my attention now what will you do with it? Can you remain as enchanting as the first day I met you, or will this fade with time as they say so many things do? I would only hope that this lasts forever, my love for you has no ending, boundary or stipulation to alter the path we have chosen.

Now I leave you with this I am here to love you and make you happy to give you something everyone else has failed to do until now. I want you to know that this is real there is no, "for the time being", the new love feeling, nor is this a dream. I am here real flesh and blood willing to put my heart out there to possibly get hurt but hopefully not.

You have a certain way about you something so rare it is hard not to say that you are so very........


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