Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Feb 2010

So we are already one month in to 2010 and what have we done? Most people have just continued on with their lives and their new years resolutions are out the window. Now for me what have I done? I have started my spring semester in school, I start my workout regiment this week and I am moving in a few months. So I am doing more in 2010 then I have done in a long time. We are buying a house this year what a great accomplishment and I was accepted to Johnson and Wales which is now one of the best Culinary schools in America.

February is one of those months that is the stepping stone to more winter or the end of winter.... Well it snowed last night and this morning so I guess we are in store for more winter. I am tired of winter at this point I want it to be May so that I can pack up my stuff and MOVE....

I hope that everyone has done something this year or at least is sticking to their resolutions. This year should be the beginning of your accomplishments or the continuation of them... If you are having problems figuring out what you should be doing in life then sit down and analyze what you have done and what you really want to do.... Once you figure out at least one or two things you want start setting goals to accomplish them.

Here's to the next 10 months of 2010.

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