Saturday, March 05, 2005

Let go....

Sometimes life deals you a hand that is not the greatest, but you have to learn how to let go. I have so many things that I have held on to for the longest and now just recently I am learning to let go. Keeping all that extra luggage is not all that healthy and you really can't progress. I am letting go, of all the painful memories but learn from them instead of carring them with me, letting go of all the wrongful doings that have been bestowed upon me by friends, family and just people in general, letting go of my mistakes and flaws that I criticise myself for everyday. That is all I have to do is let go and remember who I am. Be yourself and learn from past mishaps and all the other things that have happened be it good or bad. Remember to move forward you must remember your past but learn how to let it go....... I am comfortable with the person I am with and find it so much easier now being with him to let go of the past, all the pain that I have stored.. Thank you, you are there by e-mail, phone, you are just there and that is what I need. That's all I ask, so because of that I have learned to move on. Ask yourself this one question can you let go, start living for today and the future without all the extra luggage and pain? It is hard but to all of you that read this I challenge you to leave the past where it is, behind us, take from it what you may, but the rest has to be left behind. Can you.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just recently had to learn to let go and it is not the greatest feeling in the world...I heard from a wise man a long time ago that you can control who you LOVE and have relationships with and I did not listen and I found myself in a situation I was not ready to deal with...Let go but do not forget because LOVE and relationships are like history, if you do not learn from it or them, you will repeat it...

Smoke Dogg