Sunday, March 20, 2005


Maybe we are supposed to meet the wrong ones before we meet the good one, because this will make us appreciate them more. Maybe, a good friend is someone that you can just sit with, without saying anything and when you walk away think that is the best conversation you ever had. Maybe, it's true that we don't know what we have until it's gone, and we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives. Maybe, when the door of happiness closes, there is always another door opening to welcome us. Maybe, we miss the opportunity to go through the new door due to the fact that we are stuck looking at the door that closed on us. Maybe, we have a lot of good things in our life that we just take for granted, unknowingly. Maybe, someone in your life gave you everything that you should have but never had in a relationship, or friendship but didn't know what to do and you hurt them in the end. Maybe, we should remember that when we love someone we should never expect love in return, we should let it grow and if it doesn't then be happy knowing that it grew in you. Maybe, we should know that it takes a minute to crush someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Maybe love plays a big role in our lives and a lot of us are scared to love again from the past miss happenings. Maybe, you have everything that you ever needed right in front of your face, you just don't know what to do with it, or you might ask yourself is this for real? Maybe, there are things that we can not explain we just do them and never wonder why, do you wonder why? Maybe, life deals us the hands due to the fact that we are all made different we just have to learn to live with our imperfections. Maybe, the one you love hopefully loves you just as much if not more for everything excepts you for every flaw and imperfection that you have. Maybe I am just a person that has something to say and looking for someone to hear it, what do you think? Maybe, the person that has my love is the luckiest person in the world, the boundaries are limitless and you should no there is nothing I won't do for you. Maybe, we all have something that bonds us to life's struggles but we all have to remember that we have choices and making the one that makes you happy is the one you should choose, but remember that sometimes we have to make sacrifices to make ourselves and the ones you love happy. Maybe you should ask yourself what is in store for you, because there is always something good for you in store and remember there is always....


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