Saturday, March 19, 2005

Never Change....

Remember the first person you fell in love with? Your love was so innocent, you had not been corrupted be false love or lies that some many of us have come to find. Remember that feeling when the two of you were apart you never felt fulfilled? Like life was so different without that special someone? Love had no plays sometimes it hurt but it felt good and gave you those silly butterflies in your stomach. You felt like a little kid in a candy store every time you saw them or thought about them. I just want that same old innocence back you know. Love should be pure, innocent and flawless. Not saying there is not pain and struggle in love but like Frederick Douglass said. "without struggle there is no progress," this is true in every aspect of life, specially when it comes to love. With love you meet and fall in love with the person for that person what ever they look like or act like and look past all their imperfections. That is why no matter how they change when you grow old you are supposed to love them regardless. The outside (body) might change but they are still the person you initially fell in love with. That is why a lot of people that are friends and lovers to you always tell you never change, they love you for you. Don't change for anyone you are unique and that is why they fell for you in the first place. Keep your oginality and everything that makes you, you. I don't ever want you to change baby you are original and I love that about you pa.....

NEVER CHANGE...........

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