Wednesday, March 23, 2005


In a relationship, if I could get the five things..........that would really make my heart sing....
1. A love that wont die....
2. Eyes that wont cry.....
3. And lips that wont lie...
4. A heart that will mend...
5. A life so that I`ll sacrifice...

These are what I want I don't know what it is you want, tell me so that this thing can work. Only communication can make something work. Talk out the issues be it good or bad let that person know what is wrong. If you don't you build up so much, anger that you will begin to hate that person and the love dies. Remember a relationship, be it friends, family or lovers, is a two way street. You are probably wondering why I always write on love, but if you took the time to read you will see that I write on everything. Keep up all efforts to love like it is your first love and live life like its your last breath. Always remember have no regrets.

"You can`t make someone love you, just be the one who can be loved"...."Love is when you dont sleep and think that reality is better than a dream".........................
So keep this thing strong and remember that regardless of the relationship it is the effort you put forth that determines the results... Everything revolves around....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right now in my life, I want for a lot of things but most important I must find me...In this thing called life I seem to have lost myself and now because of recent events in my life, I have the courage to go and find out what it is that I am looking for...I want to be able to give those five things you spoke about but before I can do this, I need to live the life in which warrants those things...I am, who I am; I am not perfect; I've made my share of mistakes; but I care for those who do and do not care for me...In relationships both good and bad, people have to communicate and without it, the relationship is destined to fail...So if I did you wrong, I am saying to you now simply, "I am Sorry, Please Forgive Me."

Smoke Dogg