Friday, April 22, 2005

This is Me...

How do you view me? How does the world view you? Do we really care? I know that I do to an extent but then on the other hand no I don't. If you can't handle the truth don't ask the question. Be real, up front and to the point, blunt. That is me, I like to say what I mean and mean what I say. I have come to find that people respect me more when you get straight down to it and don't beat around the bush. We know that we some times tend to lie so not to hurt someone but if they find out anyways it hurts more in the end. It is going to hurt regardless, so just get it over with in the beginning. Like people trying to cheat be playa's, pimp's or whatever you want to call it. It all comes back and you should have left that person before stepping out on them, but I guess you are not man or woman enough to deal with the loss... Games or what we did as children so tell me why you can say that you are grown and still play damn games? Likely excuse you are a child at heart.... Right? I think that I have made it thus far for being me true, raw, emotions on the sleeve, original and out right blunt, ask and I will answer you with nothing but the truth. I love with no regrets and help out anyone, no one is better than me and I am no better than the next. This is me, everything I am is do to you and people like you... Who is this to? That is what you want to know, but if you think that this pertains to you then it probably does. If you don't like me then you need not worry I don't care. Oh ya,

THIS IS ME.......

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