Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Breaking Point....

Look at life like a challenge, a test, to see how far everyone can push you to your breaking point. I am not going to meet my breaking point for a long time I am hoping. I live life to the fullest, some say too blessed to be stressed, I say YA RIGHT. Feel me on this, stress is a natural part of life there is negative stress and positive stress. We need stress to live a healthy lifestyle. So next time you here that, stupid saying that some body with nothing but time on their hands made up, tell them I beg to differ. I know that many people meet their breaking point early in life and others live life all out and and meet their breaking point late in life. How much can you take of someone always picking at you? Do you know when enough is really enough? Can you tell me if you know your....


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That one was a little different than expected. I understand what you're saying though. Keep the knowledge flow ma.