Wednesday, July 27, 2005

On TOP......

My game, yes I can say that I am on top of my game. Do you know what it means to be "on top"? I don't think that most people view this as I do but yo, that's why this is my blog and you are reading it, why? Hmmmm, that is one question you need to ask yourself why you keep coming back to read the words of this page.... Is it because I am on top of my game?

I must be up on something because I write and it is so easy to be me and it is so hard for so many to be just what they are, YOU. Being yourself means that you are on top of your game, is this a hard task at hand? Yes, to some it is, but you need not fear for there are always strong support systems in place to help you succeed at being the best you can. I know that I will be here for anyone one of my friends, family, or just associates. Remember that you are never alone out there sometimes you may feel that you are or run into bad luck more often than never but you can still come out on top.

I may be a little rough around the edges sometimes, say things that I don't always mean but everyone is like that from time to time. Life deals you hands that are unexpected it is how you come out of the situation, which determines whether you are staying on top of your game or not. Things are not all pretty and peachy all the time I know I never really had all the good things in life, glad that I have been able to have all the grimy situations dealt to me it kept me on top of my game. I will always keep improving my imperfections and trying to make the best of any situation in which I find myself. This helps me keep my game up and remain...

ON TOP......

I write for myself and for anyone who wants to read it. This is for my friends and fam and anyone else, this is my knowledge to you. That is why my page is called My View 2 You.... DAMN, some people need to step up and gain some self respect remember that all people have their own perceptions and this is your reality we may not always see eye to eye but work with it. Make small sacrifices and don't ridicule what others do, just do you! Just another way that you can keep your game, ON TOP....


Anonymous said...


I like this one because it had me asking the question, "Am I on top of my game?" I believe I'm almost there. I just need to tweek it in a few places. Thank you for being one of those strong support systems that's helping with the tweeking. Looking forward to you next one.


Anonymous said...

Nice writing...I guess you are on top of your game if you redefine cliche' after cliche'.Seriously, a drug dealer can be himself, but does that mean he or she is at the top of their game? Meanwhile, infecting a community with a needless social dillemma. Honestly, I read this page out of amusement, and not for advice which you seem to always attempt to give. If it is your view of yourself, then allow it to be that. Not a dear abby wannabe page. Quit giving yourself and others a false sense of identity. Everyone who is "doing them" is not performing at their highest potential because no one has ever pushed them. Therefore, becoming a handicap and hinderance rather than a helping hand and motivating force. Your page is actually insightful at times and I will give you that, but undertsand I never misinterpret, I just think you misrepresented your words on your blog. Be mindful that you open the avenue for others to speak on your "view" when you publish this "stuff". I just read and comment like the page says. Am I wrong for that? Nah!