Sunday, February 04, 2007

Peace and Happiness

That is what they say love means. Love also means pain but the pain is a relapse of issues that you have had or drama you have brought in to each others life in reality pain is one of the many virtues of human nature. I believe we can not help ourselves and we do some things without always thinking of the consequences or repercussions it may cause to our loved ones. When people cheat I don't always believe that they do it intentionally meaning to hurt the one they supposedly love. I think that this is sometimes a signal that they are not ready for the type of relationship they are in they might never be ready for a real relationship and you need to let them go regardless of how much it may hurt. If you are lucky enough to find that one that regardless of your flaws forgives and forgets and is there through thick and thin and you both are on that other level knowing that you trust each other with your lives, than you are of a lucky few. I hope that one day everyone will be able to evolve (mature) to that level where they don't cheat and are happy with the one that they are with. Don't take this out of context and think that what I am saying is to make your life bland and boring what I am saying is when you do grow up, if you ever do you will know being with that one special person is the greatest thing in the world.

I know that we only have a certain amount of time here and everyone wants to make an imprint in or a crinkle in our time line so that they may be remembered for something great. How about this, you already have to someone that loves you and all the people around you. This may not be the entire world but when it all boils down to it, it's not really going to matter in the end. Right now is what really matters so love the one you are with whole hearted and forgive and forget the small things remember if that person truly makes you happy make them happy and do everything in your power to be true and show them they really mean the world to you. I hope that all of you can find true love like I have and with that you will find.....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace and Happiness, Pain and Hurt. You can't have one without the other and is a subject I've been thinking on lately. I like this one. Keep doing big things.
