Friday, June 15, 2007

Some Days

Does it ever happen to you when you wake up and everything feels great for the first couple minutes and then your day goes from sugar to shit in the matter of seconds? Damn, I know that has happened to me in the last few weeks a few times and it seems like everything I do regardless of how it was meant comes out or across all wrong. So how do you fix these situations?

Do I give up and just say hey you win some you lose some?

Do I try to make a mends and be the humble one like always?

Do I just keep it all inside and the end result happens latter on with a big explosion?

Do I just say hey I have had enough and now its time to say goodbye?

I know what I want and I know how I want my day and everyday to be but this peaches and cream stuff is make believe so it seems to me. Can I just have a day that is great no problems???? How about the rest of the year, I know that's asking a lot right now but I know I can make it better just give me time...... If you really know what I want then show me and let me know that these days are far to few to worry about! It just seems to often then never that I have one of these days and that is why I have.....

SOME DAYS.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up J and shake those haters off.
