Friday, January 11, 2008

New Beginning

It is time for me to step ahead of the past and start fresh with a new beginning.

The first thing on this path will be to cut off any loose ends, anyone that was a friend or I thought they were but they do no effort of being one. CUT

Second every goal I achieve is for myself not for someone else.

Third things that make me happy in life need to come first I am tired of always trying to please everyone else.

Fourth take some me time once in awhile discover what I have been missing find what really makes me happy and do it.

Fifth try to ensure I have a stable and happy family life at home.

These are a few things that will guide and help me start my new beginning. So if you are a true friend and you want to stay in contact do it I am not the only one that has a phone or an e-mail. Put some effort in to it no one said everything was easy. I hope that everyone has a new beginning at some point in there life this is my....


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