Wednesday, February 23, 2005

When all hope is gone

When all hope is gone. I will be there. Don't worry I won't let you down like all the rest. Don't think that everyone is grimey. If you don't believe me, go ahead and put it to test. We all deserve an equal chance. Remember that you have my trust and love. Yet, I don't have yours. Skeptism is good at times but too much will push all the good out. I will be here for as long as you allow.

When all hope is gone. It really isn't, my shoulder is soft and my platform is solid. Lean on me, I don't break under preasure. If needs be put your burdens in a bag, I will carry them for you. Anything to make you happy. All I ask in return is your love.

But when all hope is gone for myself. There is no one there. Where are you? Funny you did it all for yourself........



Anonymous said...

Before meeting you, I did not believe in destiny but the day we became friends, it was for life. No matter where this journey takes me in life, I know you will have my back.


The Smoke Dogg

Anonymous said...

I really hope you speak the truth bcs my lifes about to change everyone is leaving and i am going to be left behind and i wont really have anyone to run to when life brings me down. so i hope you speak truthfully, bcs so far i trust you and i usually trust nobody
