Friday, February 25, 2005

Things in The Game Done Changed

So much has changed since I have moved away from home. Sometimes when I go home or go visit old friends I find that we don't have anything to talk about anymore but the past or we just don't have any common intrests anymore. I find myself wondering sometimes where is my place in the world? Why does everything change and seems like I haven't? But not knowing we all change what used to be the common ground between you and your friends or family is now something they might still like or you and the other does not but this is not necessarily a bad thing. We mature and turn into the people we are for a reason don't lose your friendship bonds because you think that the past is the past and that is all you have in common now... Apply yourself to find new common grounds and keep all your friends. People are funny on the behaviorial aspect of life they seem to give up on things that give them a challenge... If you are a friend then a friend you will remain I keep my word. To me word is bond and I live and die by my word... Keep all those you hold as friends, keep in touch, via e-mail, letters, IM, phone andything you know communicate. Hope that this means something to some of you others was it worth reading???? Only you can answer that. But to me all things change for a reason and it is not always good, but dig in and don't give up.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel people come in your life for a reason. No matter who they are, friends, family or assoc. We grow, sometimes we grow apart. But we all carry something from that meeting with us. They may offer something to you in life that may help you progress in life, or fail. It's up to you what you take from that person or people. If you want to be rich, find people who are rich, or working to get and hang with them. It would be cool to keep the friends you had, but people get what's needed from that relationship, and move on.