Monday, March 07, 2005

Steady Pace....

Remember that you can make it, you just have to learn to go at a steady pace. There is so much to accomplish but you can set goals and time lines then they are all in arms reach. If we learn how to take goals and aspirations and put them into a schedule then they can be achieved. Nothing is too far out of reach if you have the will to work for it. Relationships are the same way, if you go to fast you are bound for disaster, if you move to slow then you are eventually going to lose interest in one another. If you can move at a steady pace and learn to progress together then you grow together. Never leave the other behind, communication is a key to progression and a big step forward in a relationship. Things are never going to go as planned so remember that and plan to have something go astray. When you plan for the stuff to go wrong then you are not so flustered when it does happen and you find yourself dealing with the situation, cool, calm and collective. I feel that I have grown and now I am taking any relationship I may find myself in at a steady pace. I was young before and thought I knew what I wanted just like everyone thinks they know, things, taste and peoples outlook on life change daily. I know now that what I want is real solid ground, and someone to hold me down. I know I found someone that is like that, but will be remain? No one knows the answer to that you can't change someone, you can only love them and work through their flaws and hope that they stay with you through smooth and hard times. Take a look at your life and see where you are. Can you honestly say that you are where you want to be and are you going to slow, to fast or are you going at A....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm a long time reader, First time writer. I like all of your entries but this one kind of hit a little closer to home. Keeping a steady pace is something I have a real problem with in relationships and in life for the longest time. You've played a part in keeping me at a steady pace. Thank you for your inspiration and all you do.
