Monday, November 12, 2007


Why do you feel like you are going somewhere and it's the right way but at the same time you feel so lost? At work I feel drained, tired, unmotivated and hypocritical. For some reason I know that I am determined to accomplish my goals but at the same time I no longer know what they are???? Confused and guilt ridden with the clock ticking and my mind going in a thousand different directions. I just need to jump on one track and ride it out.... Can I do this or will I end up at a dead end and feeling once again LOST...?

Do we all go through this in our lives? Is anyone truly happy in what the are doing now? I mean 110% pure satisfaction and they have no regrets? I still think I know what I want but to get that is going to be very difficult since I was never granted the opportunity to just go to college since I chose to protect the nation. Now I want to get a degree and my Chef certification and do what I love.

All I need is a light to help guide me along the right path and push me to go, I have become one lost lazy soul.... This is not me and I want to be found and once again a happy and content clown.... Help me, for right now I know that I am....



Anonymous said...

I think we all get like that sometimes. The thing is, you gotta follow your heart and don't let anything discourage you from meeting your goal. Not even yourself. Keep your head up J. Don't give up on your dream. I know you'll make a great Chef. Just remember, when you make it big, don't forget about us little people. :)


lux said...


lux said...

no te desesperes, todo tiene su tiempo.

eso me dijo mi padre una vez. No se si sera verdad, pero es un dicho muy conocido.

tengo hambre.