Wednesday, February 23, 2005


If you look at the world you will find the driven and to say the least, lazy. The thing is the ones that are so much more driven, is a man that has nothing and never did, but at the same time take another man that has nothing but at one time had everything. The man that never had always tries to make him or herself better he is driven with life's ambitions, on the other hand the man who once before had everything is a past dweller...... If you have always been the one working toward a goal to better yourself and don't accept defeat but always look for a new route when coming to a dead end, then you are driven. If you always say well there is always tomorrow, I can wait, I used to have this, I used to do this..... Then you are definitely a past dweller. Love what you have become and always look for the future you can always better yourself, never settle for second best if that is not what you want. If you are a friend of mine, I will always support you in your ambitions and make sure you never sell yourself short. A good support channel is what people need and human nature is to always be competitive and beat out even your closest friends, I am here to tell you, I don't want your spot but would rather you have it and I will chose another road to accomplish my goals. I can honestly say that I can't stop, won't stop until I achieve my goals in life..... Tomorrow may never come, so you must "Carpe Diem" (seize the day). Take with it what you may but know that there is always someone out there that wants to be where you are at......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live my days as if they are my last and I believe you always have to give it your all. By giving your all weather you win or loose, you can look inside and say, "I Did My Best." I do not loose sleep at night because I know I did my best yesterday, I will repeat it today and I will accomplish the same in the future.

Smoke Dogg