Monday, March 14, 2005


I have heard and learned alot of things in my life. One thing that stuck with me is, a saying that went something like this. Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. Don't cry over anyone that won't cry for you. Good friends are hard to find, even harder to leave and impossible to forget. You can only go as far as you push yourself, actions speak louder than words. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else. Don't live in the past, because you are missing all the good stuff now.... life's too short. Friendship is like the breeze, you can not hold it, smell it, taste it, or know when it is coming. But you can always feel it, and you will always know it is there. It may come and go but you know it will always be back. Rememeber to always give your all in everything in all you do, as long as you know you did your best there is no regrets. Always love like it is your first, always play like it is your last game, always study like you are taking a final. Remember that you can make the difference in your life and in someone elses, don't hold back the potential you were given. Make sure you always smile, always say to someone even if you don't know them. Always think that there are others in worse predicaments then yourself. Always give with a kind heart, and always remember that someone loves you back. Can you say that you are the one that does everything to the fullest......


To everyone that I have met along the way... I will ALWAYS give you my all. Who knows, when we go.... Today is today, tomorrow might not come, so holla at ya girl. If you want something or someone then go take that chance you never know they might want you....


Anonymous said...

Good friends are hard to find, even harder to leave and impossible to forget. This is so true and I hope I have been a true friend to you and I wish you and yours the BEST. I do not say goodbye to my Friends, I saw until I see you again...

Smoke Dogg

Anonymous said...

Don't ever stop writing you have a skill that few will ever have. Your emotions flow across the screen and I feel all of them. You know who this is, that butta lova that got your back from way back. Holla at ya boi... Remember when you would always stand us up when we wanted to go out? You always stayed in the house and you non-drinking ass. You still turn red over everything? I know that whoever you with now is the luckiest man in the world your true peoples know that you have the kindest heart that the earth has ever been blessed with. REP that NYC... QB baby. (crazy-K)