Sunday, March 06, 2005


I have a saying that I like to say to say; "Hope comes from inspiration, inspire someone today".. This says a lot just in a few words. I try to help people and give them positive motivation. I have inspiration everyday I wake up to great friends, family, past loves, my man. You all just make it a better life for me to lead. I hope that I can be such a great inspiration to all of you and to my daughter. I love all of you very much and hope that in someone I have touched your lives for the best. Baby you have done so much for me and you will never know how much your support means to me. That is all the inspiration I need, support is a major inspiration in someone's life. To my friends, you are always there to give me support when I need it and I try to open up, you always tell me the truth be it bad or good, I appreciate that. My family, you are always there to listen and talk to me no matter what time I call you. I love you all for that. To, Will, I am glad that you put me through what you did it made me a better person. To, Q, I doubt he will ever see this, but thanks for all the pain it made me stronger and makes me want more, you gave me the will to never accept second best. How many people affect your life? Are you someone's inspiration? Be mine and I will be yours. That is all you can ask, will you be my...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came here to Korea looking to find myself and I found something more, a FRIEND and someone I can call SISTER...Thank you for being my inspiration though some tough times in my life and I am a better person because of you...Keep aiming for the moon if you miss, you will be among the stars. I am so proud of you and I am honored to call you FAMILY...

Smoke Dogg